About Us

I love paper; I always have. I was one of those weird kids who lit up each August at the prospect of going back-to-school shopping for fresh notebooks and pencil crayons. The endless possibilities offered by a fresh, blank sheet of paper brought more glee than perhaps it should have. I also love the written word. I appreciate the impact a few kind words have to shape someone’s day for the better.

And I’ve always loved the simple power of the humble greeting card; a portrayal of someone’s artistic ability or poetic talent all in one perfectly concise package, delivering at its core, the lovely realization that someone was thinking of you.

In my 20+ year career in professional sales, I have sent hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds) of cards; in my volunteer work, maybe thousands. Over and over again, I have seen the positive impact a simple card can have on both the recipient and the sender.

So, combine a geeky love of paper, a deep appreciation for art with a designer’s eye, an amateurish penchant for writing and a successful sales career - thanks at least in part to the sending of greeting cards - and I find myself here… in this gloriously happy place where passions converge and quirkiness is an asset (so I'm telling myself).

Who is The Beast?

In addition to paper and words and art and cards and helping people and businesses find solutions, animals bring me great joy. My childhood photos are full of me and my family cats. My teenage photos are full of me and my family cats. My adult photos... yup... cats. Some of the most fulfillming moments of my life have been realized during the time I spend volunteering at a local Rescue for special needs animals. Billie Holiday entered my home from this very Rescue after she came down with a serious case of pancreatitis that nearly claimed her life. She was only supposed to live with me temporarily while she recovered, but she never left. My girl was the original Cheeky Beast who inspired this little venture that has encapsulated so many things that are important to me... I miss her.